Your Branching of the Rails

Freestone Wilson
5 min readSep 9, 2020

This is why I removed some of my photos in my articles.

Your Rails Branch. Down the track of life, you go, and everywhere along the tracks other tracks branch off to go to unknown destinations.

There was the story of a man, who died, and then in heaven, he was soon shown his entire life history. They had a movie screen on the wall in front of him. As His Movie began to roll, at first it only showed him sitting in a train lounge car, one of those cars with the huge windows so that the scenery can really be seen well. He looked out of the window on the right side of his car and surprise; he saw many *many* tracks paralleling his track. He turned to his Guide and asked what these other tracks represented. He was told that each track represented a choice that he made in his life. Each such choice would generate any number of branching tracks, tracks that would lead to different destinations.

At first, he was shown how major choices led to different outcomes. He took *this* job, married *that* woman, took a vacation in Rome instead of to Spain, or to attend *a* college instead of joining the Army.

Eventually, he was shown that in each day he had hundreds of smaller choices made! Little choices. Little outcomes, outcomes that he never saw the results of.

— -Did he, as he entered the coffee shop, on February 12th of 1989, as he gave his order to the tired-looking server behind the counter, give to her a kind and encouraging word, or did he just dumped his own small angers-of-the-day onto her, instead. He ordered, then he sat down out of her sight. The branching of the ways. He did not see the effects upon her, of each of the two possible realities.

His kind words made the rest of her day, and affected her, positively, from then on, subtly. If he gave her his fits of small waves of anger created from his so-far day, she becomes even more discouraged, and then the next day she did not do for herself some good as she was too depressed to choose it!

— -did he, as he walked past a person of a racial minority, look at him and then he thought a racist thought and feeling. Nor did he, as he passed the guy by, notice instead that he was probably a musician as he saw this guy walk out of a store that sold musical instruments. He then gave good thoughts to himself over this guy. Would such private judgments affect that other person? One might think not, but *I* feel that they do, in unconscious ways. But more to the point, these “private” judgments that he makes all day long, will affect *Him*!

He then looked out of the left side windows and there again he saw many tracks. The color of the sky, though, was *off*! The right side had blue sky and nice vegetation, but this left side showed only yellow-gray sky and a barren dead-grass landscape between these tracks.

The guide then said that the right side choices were “life-supporting” and the left side choices were “life-denying”!

[this man then had an image in his head of the standard picture of someone with an angel over his right shoulder and a devil over his left shoulder.]

The guide then said that the sum-total of the positive choices made for one to quickly advance to higher and better heavens and the negative choices would lead to darker gray realms.

But this happens to you *before* you die! “Your parents created your face until you are forty but then after forty *you* are responsible for your face.” [a quote] Have you ever seen “bitter old men” or of meeting someone with a very positive vibration, someone who might enter a room with a crying baby and immediately the baby stops crying? Then there are people who will have a baby begin to cry, as he enters!

Are you part of the Problem or are you part of the Solution?

by Meejin Choi from

Now on to the Face!

I have read that it takes 10,000+ chips of the chisel to make a sculpture head.

No one chipping will do it. However, each chip will, in its tiny way, contribute to what this Face will look like when Finished. Each positive or negative choice is one chipping from the Chisel of Life upon that block of stone. As one grows older the Face begins to appear. The sum-total of years of these chipping chisels creates your Face.

That Face, when you die, will turn away from the body and this is what you will then wear and everyone can read this face and then see your entire life within it. So I have read.

But golly, Proper Choices will show up today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your life!

Example: a CNA low-level nurse works in a nursing home. She cares for maybe 20 residents in one hall. How does she interact with each of them?! Does she just work as if this job is only a job and she is somewhat bitter that she has to work at such a low-wage job? Does she then treat each resident somewhat snappishly and curtly? Does she have *any* idea as to the effect upon these poor people? Often, especially in these lockdown COVID days, their CNA might be the only person that they might see all morning long! Now suppose she realizes how important each meeting is, for each resident, and then she begins to Care! To Care for each resident. To speak kind words and encourage each person, themselves, to be positive. What a difference this could make to the 20 people!

Example: “Life’s a bitch, then you die”. Or, “life is rich then you live”!

If one begins the negative attitude long before one dies, then one sort of “dies” long before the time of the graveyard. If life is seen as Rich, then you are alive even more as you age.

A wine gets older, does it turn into a rare vintage, worth a lot to drink or to sell, or does it only turn to vinegar and only good for pouring down the toilet bowel to etch away the lime deposits?!

The tiniest observation is a Choice. Thus these tiny choices add up over time.

Have a good train Journey!



Freestone Wilson

Life from a Spiritual perspective. Become what your True Self wants you to be. Say “yes” to creativity and intelligence. Value other people’s lives.