I Give My Opinion of Some Ways We Will Change, After All of This Virus is Over.

Freestone Wilson
2 min readJul 29, 2020

This is why I removed some of my photos in my articles. https://medium.com/illumination/people-are-being-sued-for-using-creative-commons-images-adc5c8ba1491

The Virus. Here are some of my own far-seeing effects that this lockdown will have on us all, especially if this isolation lasts until the spring of 2021.

Not an all-inclusive list by all means!

I live in a very highly rated senior retirement campus that has houses, apartments, and continuing care. Every week there are maybe three to six activities, many come from the outside. There *were*!!

Suppose they open up the campus on July 10th of 2021. An entire year where no relatives can visit, no activities at all, and isolation for everyone. Do you think they can switch on “back to normal” immediately? NO! They will not. Many of the singing groups will not come as singing is the virus spreader par excellence. Many residents will not attend and might not for years. In one year of no groups performing anywhere, many of the members will either move away or just be rusty because of no practice!

Will take, I think, TEN YEARS before any kind of normal activity events return to this campus. The same effect will be felt for everyone else, too.

— -many people will wear masks for the rest of their outdoor lives!

— -If no schools open, many parents will enroll their children in private schools. Many of these kids will enjoy being there and will not return ever to public schools. A bleeding out of the city public school system will result.

Maybe only the poor and the inner city kids will be then left in the city public schools!

— -no more shaking hands.

— -many gyms might close as group classes mean that you will be breathing hard and so will all the rest of the 5 to 20 other people in your class. You will save your self many colds and flu by NOT going to a gym ever again!

— -Kissing? Nope.

— -many of our traditions and culture will go away.

20 years from now, we might call this generation of today, the four to sixteen-year-old children, the “virus generation”. They might all have hardly any social skills, and their lives will be lived online. They will be very fearful and make the snowflake generation fears seem like military special forces “sensitivity” by comparison. They will vote for someone who will make them feel *SAFE*!

This is some of my thoughts for July 29th of 2020.



Freestone Wilson

Life from a Spiritual perspective. Become what your True Self wants you to be. Say “yes” to creativity and intelligence. Value other people’s lives.