Computer Games *Can* have deep Philosophical Ideas

Freestone Wilson
5 min readJul 22, 2020
my screenshots from a computer game. ENDERAL, a mod for Skyrim.

I read People writing about how computer and console games have no content of any depth. I am now just beginning to play a mod add-on for the Skyrim game, a mod called “Enderal”. They say the plot is better than the Skyrim game!

In the game, I am a “nothing” as I begin the game. I am an outcast from another country trying to live in this country of Enderal. I made it to the first town, Riverville, and here I begin the main quest. The town is all abuzz at how in the religion temple, a pagan magic-orientated religion, there was a high-level teacher who suddenly went berserk and did a “shopping mall” killing of all of his students, some 20 of them. He blew himself up with a magical bomb. The students were all beginners who had just signed up for religious training.

The country is full of corruption and negative energy. All the animals kill on sight!

His first quest is to try to find out why this teacher killed his students. He eventually found a cave crypt where his wife was buried. The room at the rear held the coffin and various articles. His wife was also a do-good person. She worked in the food give-a-way program to feed very poor people. One day two of those clients killed her! He lamented how “no good deep goes unpunished”, with humanity. He wrote a journal, just four pages, and this book was in the crypt. I took screenshots of the four pages. You might have to use your browser “expand the screen” or “zoom in” in order to read better the pages.

The death of his caring wife unhinged him! he began to sense that all religion is futile. Worse than futile as it gave false hope to people with a controlling aspect to it. Do as we say or then go to a hell after you die! Probably he then struck back at his own religion, much like someone killing children in schools! Almost as if the happy innocent kids are a deep front to our pain and thwarted wishes of to get power, control, and more money!

Go read those two pages now, if you have yet to read them!

Depressing isn’t it?! That book speaks to us all today! Deeply depressing.

Are *WE* savable?! I do not even mean this saying in the “are you saved by Jesus” manner, though one could indeed infer this. Are we all even savable in a political or humanistic manner?

There now, for instance, too many money-people who miss-use their money and power just for their own power, control, and for personal-only ends. Then there are the poor people who often dream of having a lottery win big, and then they will do the very same thing! They are power, control, materialism people without the means to enact their empire.

Some radical history people think that there are previous civilizations that self-destructed and have left little traces. “Atlantis” I am looking at you! All have the same end, a high-level way of life corrupted by greed and power by a few, the few who “speak” for the masses who all are beguiled by the bling of power, wealth, control. The civilization collapses.

Will ours Go Down similarly, soon?

However, it will not be God that destroys us all, it will be from our very own attitudes!

In the game there are, I read, three or four possible endings depending upon choices made during the 60 to 100 hours of gameplay. Of course, I did not read the spoilers, in the guides for the game, but I think one ending is that he rises in the ranks of magic and eventually becomes one of the Gods. He, at game end, will have a Choice, one choice is where he can destroy all of mankind, on that large island. He too could Agree with the writings in this book by game-end!

Will he?

I do not know, my choices might determine the ending.

There was a living India high-level Godman by the name of Sathya Sai Baba. He had told his many devotees that he is to live until he is 95 years old. [96 in India as one is one year old at birth.] A few years after his 2011 death at age 84, he “channeled” through a medium and he explained why he died early! He said that he had given up as no one now seemed to be affected by his presence and teachings. They all want his miracle produced trinkets, but very few look beyond the miracle to find the Idea that there is something behind the material world: Spirit!

Jesus, pardoned by Pontius Pilot, the judge, was turned over to the People and they wanted him dead as they wanted material goods and to have Jesus overthrow the Roman nation’s rule of old Israel. “My Kingdom is not of this world”, he said. No. Very few people accepted that. “Beware of the woman scorned, she will turn on you!”

“No good deed goes unpunished” I read.

The state of the state, and of humanity, to me, feels much like one of those airplane crash videos on youtube, that I recently watched. The plane, at 30,000 feet went into a power dive and the pilots tried to pull the plane out of the dive. They did manage to do this, at about 6,000 feet above the Atlantic.

We seem, to me, to be in a power dive! Can we right the ship?! I think too if we do not, nature will “help us”, then, to finish us all off. Maybe an asteroid or one of those super-volcanoes will erupt, or even WW III, to do the finishing blow.

I will save the book images to often read, over the months and maybe years ahead.

*Are* we all worth Saving?!



Freestone Wilson

Life from a Spiritual perspective. Become what your True Self wants you to be. Say “yes” to creativity and intelligence. Value other people’s lives.